
Monday, November 14, 2011

Effing parents these days ..

Soooo , my parents think it's cute cute when they treat me like I'm 5 & I need to be protected at all times . Kay I get it , you love me and you just want the best for me blah blah freaking blah . Yeeeah I get it , your way more experienced then I am IDGAF kk ? I am WAY more mature & smarter then I have ever been so why give me l e s s freedom , makes no sense . It's like you shouldn't be wanting your kid to despretely be 18 you should be giving them the life you never had or at least make it good while their kids . When your 18 your legally an adult & I don't wanna grow up ! I want to live my childhood to the fullest & with them giving me absolutely NO freedom , hows that gonna work out ? Since my idiotic brother got into drugs & is living with his girlfriend , they assume I'm gonna automatically end up the same ? Your stupid . Girls are WAAAAAY more mature then guys this age will ever be . I'm smart , I get A's and B's . I'm nooot duummmbb , get that through your effing heeeads ! Your just making me want to end up like him because they don't give to effs about it really there just like danget our first kid didn't turn out so great we need to make our 2nd child this freak who stays at home at all times making sure her grades are perfect so they don't have to say BOTH their kids ended up having no lifes ? SCREW YOOOOU . To best honest , this makes me HATE them . For one , school is my ONLY get away from these shitholes . I can't do shit over the weekends & if I can it has to be with one of my 'new' friends & something church related . I'm sorry I don't like any of my new friends ? There forcing me SO much into getting involved that there gonna start taking away my Facebook & shut down my phone . I wanna run away soooooo bad you have no idea . I'm so sick of them . Back then , in the good old days when nothing went wrong , I actually loved them because I never really saw them . It was always , go to school , come home , hang out with my friends , and then eat dinner . So technically I only talked to them during dinner cause anytime I didn't have at school , I was out of the house . & Noow when I'm older & should be having a lot more freedom , I get less instead . This experience definetly shows me how I'm going to treat my kids . There gonna have freedom but there also gonna have boundaries . I will make sure they get good grades but I sure as hell aint gonna MAKE them get invovled like these shitheads are doing because OH if your not involved your gonna go to drugs . YOUR STUPID END OF EFFING STORY . If your a parent & your reading this thinking 'wow this kid is crazy' EVERY teenager thinks like this . & If you do the same thing , stooop . Your gonna make them get into drugs . If your on their good side & your close with your kids they will tell you everything . Because I use to do that to my parents but see where it got me ? Never doing it again . So if you don't do what my parents are doing your kids will tell you a lot more so you know what's going on with their lives . My brother NEVER told them anything that went on but yet they still don't trust me ? They let him do absolutely anything so o b v i o u s l y hes gonna do whatever . Unfortunetly I will never get into drugs & I am not influenced or tempted to ever do so . Like GOD why did you make my parents idiotic retards ? LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS THEIR NOT STUPID .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ehh ..

Todaaay was bored af . Church tonight if my friend goes but I'm sick of just sitting at home all day it feels like forever for a day to end , that's why I hate weekends now but hopefully I won't be spending next weekend alone . Winter break is like , what , 5 weeks away ? As long as I spend it with friends and not at home doing nothing I will obviously like it but if not I do not want it to come . I actually like school to be honest . It gives me time with my friends & all my classes are super easy . But that's mainly because I don't have Science and Social studies right now & those are my weakest strengths . Next semester which right after winter break , I have Intergrated Science which is like a repeat of 8th grade Science , so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be an easy class considering the teachers are way better than the ones I had . The only thing I don't look forward to at school is P.E because I hate running with a passion but other than that it's pretty fun because right now were playing batmitten I don't know how to spell that & it's no where near tiring so yeah . Oioeheiorhsghleilerhgeoirggeihibg , I'M SO BORED . Like someday I will die of boredom lemme tell ya . I just wanna sleeep bro . Whateeeeeever , I neeed effing friends that live by me cause I hate staying in this one story hooouse ! Anywaaays , hopefully you guys have had a good day unlike muah . Byee , xoxox .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Insecurities .

Kaaay so there's this thing that's been on YouTube for like ever & I feel like doing it mainly because I'm bored & my flaws are the number one thing I'm struggling with right now . Sooo , it's called 'My Perfect Imperfections Tag' & all it is , is you have to state three things you dislike about yourself , also known as your 'imperfections' & then state three things you DO like about yourself , your 'perfections' . & I have WAAAY more imperfections than three & less 'perfections' than three . Starting off with my imperfections or flaws is my forhead . Yeah , everyones like shut up your forhead isn't even big , IT IS . Like obviously your telling me that because your my friend . & then they'll say stuff like if you were ugly , I would tell you that . Uhm , no you wouldn't ? Ahaha . But anyways , my second imperfection would have to be .. probably my eye size . I think their porportionate to my face in a way but everyone lately has been like saying I have 'chinky' eyes & then this one guy was like 'are you chinese in any way' like w t f ? NO ? But yeeeah . My last imperfection would have to be my lips . Idk , there tiny & they have this like white outline around the top of them & it's like weird . But yeeah . OH AND BTW I WOULD KEEL TO HAVE LONG EYELASHES . In the end , if I just didn't have this freaking huge anis forhead I would probably be one concieted motha effa . Ahahaha , like no joke . ANYWAYS , now I'm gonna state the three things I like about myself. Kay first thing would be my eye color because well there blue .. everyone's like what ? You have blue eyes ?! When there no where near any other color but yeah lmao . There kind of gray in a way but when I look in the sun their like bright blue . My second 'perfection' would probably have to be how I don't gain weight . I actually have a big butt but I don't really have boobs . I weigh about 105 pounds & I'm a freshman ahah . Some guys have said 'are you anorexic or bulimic?' & I'm like N O ! ? & you shouldn't even be saying that type of stuff because people really do struggle with that disorder & what if I actually was ? That would be saad like you know ? My third 'perfection' would have to be ..... hm , probably my height ? Idk I'm like 5"2' so yeah . Mostly girls hate that height cause people mistake them for a 12 year old but I honestly don't care cause guys like short girls . But it's not like I love that , I just don't know anything else I like about myself to be honest . Oooh I forgot , I like my smile ! Cause you know I had braces so their perfectly straight & I've used the crest white strips & so their pretty white (; LMAO , well just stay positive , stay beautiful , & be that confident person who doesn't care what other people think , kay ? Love you xoxox .

Monday, September 26, 2011


Last weeek I FINALLY started to like highschool & noow all the sudden the only friend I actually like at that school is leaving and today was her last day. Of course I figured this out at lunch time. & then I had to go to photo after school to do an assignment I was behind on & I failed on that & now I have a soar throaat. C l e a r l y I can't just enjoy my life, It has to be a freaking roller coaster. Watch something good will happen next week and then something bad will happen the next. I'm sick of thiiiis, I swear. Whatever I guess.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I dunnno bro.

This is random because I have a headache & I'm boooooored. Today was no school because of Labor Daay, & it was pretty laaame. My wife for life left at like 10 30 in the morning cause she hates being at my house that much, ahaha jaykaay idk why she wanted to leave. Soo, I went out for lunch & then saw The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, looooooong name. They should of called it Planet of The Apes cause thats shorter (x Sooo since schools tomorrow I have mixed feelings if I wanna go or not, not like I have a choice but yeeah. I just still keeep missing my old life or maybe I just miss 8th grade. Buuut yeeah, I want it to go back SO bad if anything. All my closet friends live there and now I only get to see them every other weekend. Which really sucks cause I can't talk to my friends at school about anything. Like no one at my highschool I'm good friends with & I don't like any guys there really. But whaaatever I just need to stay positive & blessed for what I've got. Daaang, small groups for church needs to start back up because I REALLY need jesus during the week too because weekends don't cut it for me -.- Plus it's another place I can go to see my friends too Annnywaays, I'm go now bye bye.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

15 random facts about me d;

1. Singing is the only thing that can keep me smiling (:
2. I looove ice cream . I would have it for all 3 meals if I coould<3
3. I'm like really wanting a boyfriend -___-
4. I am super shy because I hate going out of my comfort zone .
5. I want to go to a highschool where I know more than 5 people . . .
6. 6 pack, blue eyes<3, & shaggy hair are what I look for in guys (;
7. I am insecure & imperfect .
8. If your nice, I loove you (:
9. I absolutely adore photography .
10. I enjoy doing make up, like eye shadow & such .
11. I also like to do haair.
12. My friends & family mean the world to me (:
13. I LOVE Jesus Christ < 3
14. Give me a buffet of food, a tv remote, & some starbucks & I'm good to do (;
15. Oh how I love it when I get out of the shower, take my makeup off, & put my pj's on. It just makes me feel so clean & fresh (;

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Woaah, haven't been on heere inna while. Well hairs died & braces are off. Life's ehh D: & Yeeah Highschools a commin'. Scaaaared, lemme tell ya. Like my level of scaredness would probably like saay your gonna have to get surgery, THAT scaared. Becaause like all the girls there seem stuck up sluts & I don't wanna be one to fit in. Welllll, it's whatever I guess. Chillen with a friiend & were about to wallk to a stoore. Borrring daay.